Ikalogic Newsroom


Columbia St. 19
87000 Limoges

(e) contact@ikalogic.com
(t) +33(0) 555 358 028
(w) https://www.ikalogic.com

Who we are - what we believe

Young, enthusiastic, motivated, creative and energetic: That’s what best describes the team behind Ikalogic. Ikalogic was created in 2010 by Ibrahim Kamal with one long term aim: Create user friendly devices that help electronics hobbyists and professionals in their daily work. We believe that there is still a lot to be done to enhance the creativity of embedded programmers and electronic circuits designers. Oscilloscopes – and measurement tools in general – have changed too little since they were invented more than 60 years ago. We believe it’s time for big change to occur in the way we design and debug electronic systems, and we want to play a key role in that change.
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