| Record a short video about something Elektor and maybe win a 3D printer, digital oscilloscope or one of the other prizes! Now voting!
| Record a short video about something Elektor and maybe win a 3D printer, digital oscilloscope or one of the other prizes! Now voting!
| Thermometer using an EMC1001 I²C temperature sensor and an 8x8 LED matrix SPI Click board as display.
| Here is a simple, little circuit that makes loud, useless noises with an ATtiny45 programed in Bascom-AVR.
| Design an all-analog fading LED circuit, post it on Elektor Labs, and make a chance to win a €100 gift certificate. Here are the results!
| Here is an all-analog, all-through-hole, cheap & cheerful preamplifier for that perennial problem of getting the microphone amplification ju...
| Wir haben mal kurz das Fenster bei Elektor Labs geöffnet und – schwupps – sind eine ganze Ladung Gutscheine im Wert von 25 Euro herausgeflat...
| We opened all the windows at Elektor Labs and whoosh, a whole stack of 25-euro gift certificates was blown out. Catch them by posting projec...
| Vor dem Siegeszug von Arduino hatten Entwicklungsboards für Mikrocontroller Peripherie wie etwa Taster, LEDs und ein Display auf der Platine...
| The AVR Playground is a hybrid of an Arduino Uno and a traditional microcontroller development board.
| Experimenting with MicroPython - build a simple webserver. Nothing fancy, just enough to get it going and to improve upon.