| Erryson has published an audio switch based on a DG403 (https://www.elektormagazine.com/labs/audio-switching-with-dg-403). Previously, he as...
| Erryson has published an audio switch based on a DG403 (https://www.elektormagazine.com/labs/audio-switching-with-dg-403). Previously, he as...
| Il existe encore pas mal de console radio analogique en production sur des petites stations associatives dont leur budget ne leur permet d'u...
| FM broadcasting in the Europe requires a 50us pre-emphasis for proper frequency response at the receiver. This is a high-precision pre-empha...
| Hello, You are certainly familiar with Texar's sound processing, the Prism. They are difficult to find in Europe even on occasion. An Americ...
| It's a simple tutorial to create a web server and manage its different sites with ISPConfig. C'est un simple tuto pour créer un serveur web...
| In the book "PIC microcontrollers for beginners" published by Elektor is to present how to dialogue through the USB port in HID mode. The so...
| This "TX-FM1" project is a study of a complete FM transmitter in the 88-108Mhz band which can be managed by a USB port in HID mode. The use...