bera (81)

Von bera

| Controlling 1024 Neopixels and a GPS to create a big wall clock.

Von bera

| Telegram so far is another chat application but it is also a great IOT platform to rip off many benefits - How? Here's it is.

Von bera

| Think of the body temperature scanner that you have at the gate, checks temperature, displays it , announces whether it is safe or unsafe to...

Von bera

| Die Sicherheit von Mitarbeitern, die gefährliche Aufgaben ausführen, kann manchmal mit einfachen Mitteln verbessert werden. Nehmen Sie zum B...

Von bera

| Temperature, Pulse and Blood oxygen level measurement is very important for getting idea of Covid19 health status. This project does the sam...

Von bera

| Wagon top coal sampling itself is a hazard when you have to collect samples from a long 500 meter windy rail road and more than 100 wagons p...

Von bera

| The unprecedented pandemic that has started from December-19 in Wuhan and then spread to all over the glove, is not going to disappear soon....

Von bera

| Viele Projekte werden nach einer unschuldigen Frage eines Neffen, Freundes oder Nachbarn begonnen. Dies ist ein solches Projekt: „Kannst du...

Von bera

| I wish electronic hobbyist all over the world can deploy electronics in all possible way, so that they can help mankind to fight this pandem...

Von bera

| In an extreme case where data is to be picked up from a not-to-be-touched system and accessories, image-analytic using opencv is the only op...