bera (81)

Von bera

| 433 MHz radios are great for making remote control toys and RC switches which are based on throwing some switches on and off here and there...

Von bera

| Raspberry Pi weather recorder

Von bera

| MPPT – Maximum Power Point Tracker

Von bera

| Problem of speed control

Von bera

| Remote water level meter – a need of the hour

Von bera

| Many a times we in the industry, limits ourselves due to overwhelming nature of the proprietary items combined with lack of money to do the...

Von bera

| The broadband Internet that you use in your house for 24*7 might be costing you around $9 to $35 per month , add another $150 (one time ) to...

Von bera

| I2C – the extension of GPIOsThe Raspberry Pi has 26 ports out of w

Von bera

| Raspberry Pi distance measuring robotics - Blind man's aid For Games, Microsoft Windows is king, for networking Linux or Unix is king but...