gfaman (40)

Von gfaman

| For another project under development, I have to check several voltages in parallel (4 here). As it must be put on a bike, I wanted very low...

Von gfaman

| Simple project to memorize color sequence. The purpose of this project was to teach my son some simple electronics and SW program under Pyth...

Von gfaman

| Entdecken Sie die 2. Version des Laptop-Ladegeräts, kompakter und mit einem OLED-Display. In der ersten Version dieses Projekts habe ich ein...

Von gfaman

| In the first version of this project, I was using some modules associated to an LM317 to charge the batteries. Here, it is new full schemati...

Von gfaman

| When a laptop has no more valid internal battery, it is frustrated to immediately loose the session when remove (intentionally or accidently...

Von gfaman

| With 2 modules quite cheap on the market, fast and enough charger / discharger with capacity measurement for Lithium battery

Von gfaman

| Was wäre die beste Versorgung für ein Raspberry-Pi-basiertes Audio-Streaming-System? Eine, die kein Rauschen verursacht und die stabil ist....

Von gfaman

| Wenn ein batteriebetriebenes Gerät seine Batterien auch wieder aufladen kann, kann es nützlich sein, den Momentan- und Durchschnittsstrom in...

Von gfaman

| What can be the best power supply ? One with isolated from the main 220v, battery power, linear regulated. The battery will be recharged wh...

Von gfaman

| To display for a device which have discharging and charging capability, the instant and average current in both direction, from 2A to 100uA....