| Dies ist eine mögliche Lösung für die Stromversorgung tragbarer Geräte auf Basis des Raspberry Pi. Das Ziel dieses Projekts ist ein Stromver...
| Dies ist eine mögliche Lösung für die Stromversorgung tragbarer Geräte auf Basis des Raspberry Pi. Das Ziel dieses Projekts ist ein Stromver...
| Here is a possible solution to power portable devices based on Raspberry Pi. The goal of this project is to propose a power supply system us...
| The success and popularity of Raspberry Pi boards is certainly well-deserved, but over time many users have noticed and complained about the...
| The fingerprint-readout function is widely used in high-tech devices such as notebooks, advanced keyboards, and automated access control, bu...
| Simple but effective all-analog fading LED circuit.
| A simple but expandable and customizable microcontroller-free relays selector and driver circuit based on SCRs.
| A nice way to protect your and your guests' privacy with a red led that flashes when the door is closed!
| These devices can be bought for a few Euros, but I'm a DIYer and wanted to try to make it work with a small OLED display, an ATtiny85 mi...
| My wife is a teacher. She needed a system to run the games she organizes in class. These games are question-and-answer quizzes; the system h...