Car Wash/Solarium Timer with Binary Coin Validator Interface
Submitted by: Bertram Bradlwarter.
Submitted by: Bertram Bradlwarter.
This small project was build up for a self service car wash and can be used also for a self service solarium application. There is a binary interface for an electronic coin acceptor unit witch is able to accept 6 different coins or jetons. An other extra coin can be used to display the audit information -that means when you insert this specific coin the LED display show the total money inside the cash box.
The PCB board is very small about 80x50mm and works with a PIC18F2320. The complete setup (coin setup, delay time, pre time, maximum credit etc.) can be programmed with 3 key buttons. All the information (remaining time, setup, audit information etc) will be displayed on a 5 digit LED display.
Each coin can be programmed with a value in seconds -the display count down the remaining time at zero and switch on/off a small relais.
Power supply 24V DC +/- 20%.
The firmware is written in "c" language with the CCS language tool.
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