Fingerprint Sensor Switch

The fingerprint-readout function is widely used in high-tech devices such as notebooks, advanced keyboards, and automated access control, but it is quite rare to find it on the market as a stand-alone device. This project fills this gap with a versatile circuit that is simple to build.
The goal of this project was to experiment with a biometric fingerprint sensor and to realize a stand-alone module that would act as a fingerprint-controlled switch, without the need for an interface with a personal computer. The output of the module can be easily connected to common electrical load control circuits, such as opto-isolators, MOSFETs, relays, as well as to other digital or analogue circuits.
The full article related to this project was published in the Elektor Circuit Special 2024 issue.
The full article related to this project was published in the Elektor Circuit Special 2024 issue.
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