Hang Tux

Presentation : This project is a simple Hang Man like game, running on the Linux Board.You will use the UART console to enter letters, and a simple add-on board with Tux LEDs shape will lighting according to your score. A small buzzer will ring when you lose the game.You will be able to upload or create your own dictionnary.
Presentation : This project is a simple Hang Man like game, running on the Linux Board.
You will use the UART console to enter letters, and a simple add-on board with Tux LEDs shape will lighting according to your score. A small buzzer will ring when you lose the game.
You will be able to upload or create your own dictionnary.
August 22, 2012 : The software is now almost finished and the very small add-on board is designed. Instead of making a beautiful Tux shape with LEDs, I put 8 LEDs as a Vu-meter which will indicate your score. The Tux shape may have used too much LEDs (thus too much current).
I use the MCP23S08 from Microchip, it's a simple 8 bits I/O expander with a SPI interface (A way to use SPI through Linux).
September 4, 2012 : /!\ Before running the software for the 1st time, you need to create a 'character special file' where you can read/write (GPIO access) :
mknod -m 660 /dev/mem c 1 1
chown root:kmem /dev/mem
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