Human Presence Detection

A reliable human presence sensing with a 24GHz Radar module
The reliable detection of human presence is not easy to achieve. But there is an interesting very small sensor HLK-LD2410(B) for this purpose.. It uses 24GHz FMCW (frequency-modulated continuous wave) radar technology.
Unlike infrared or ultrasonic based presence detection modules, this module is able to detect moving targets (people) as well as non-moving, standing people.
It can be used standalone after setting some parameters via a serial interface. Then it can simply indicate the presence of a person by a connected LED. There is a windows tool for configuration and visualization.
But even more interesting is that the sensor can be a serial connected peripheral hardware to an ESP32 . For fast prototyping I used Annex32, a BASIC-Interpreter for ESP32 based SoCs.. Find its helpful documentation HERE.
I wrote a first test code to visualize the obtained data in a browser window.
The module knows a very conversational "engineering mode" where it displays the reflected energy of different distance ranges.
Very interesting and impressive to see how even a non moving person is detected very accurately by the reflection of the 24GHz radio signal on the breathing body.
Next things to do:
- set the detection sensitivity on the different distance range gates
- use the Neopixel-LEDs of the ATOM matrix to visualize the detected radar signal
- enable a Telegram Bot based messaging if a person is detected in selectable range
- The module is Bluetooth/BLE capable. This could be investigated as an alternative link to the ESP32.
I gathered some more information about this project HERE
My BASIC-script code:
Unlike infrared or ultrasonic based presence detection modules, this module is able to detect moving targets (people) as well as non-moving, standing people.
It can be used standalone after setting some parameters via a serial interface. Then it can simply indicate the presence of a person by a connected LED. There is a windows tool for configuration and visualization.
But even more interesting is that the sensor can be a serial connected peripheral hardware to an ESP32 . For fast prototyping I used Annex32, a BASIC-Interpreter for ESP32 based SoCs.. Find its helpful documentation HERE.
I wrote a first test code to visualize the obtained data in a browser window.
The module knows a very conversational "engineering mode" where it displays the reflected energy of different distance ranges.
Very interesting and impressive to see how even a non moving person is detected very accurately by the reflection of the 24GHz radio signal on the breathing body.
Next things to do:
- set the detection sensitivity on the different distance range gates
- use the Neopixel-LEDs of the ATOM matrix to visualize the detected radar signal
- enable a Telegram Bot based messaging if a person is detected in selectable range
- The module is Bluetooth/BLE capable. This could be investigated as an alternative link to the ESP32.
I gathered some more information about this project HERE
My BASIC-script code:
' HLK-LD2410 RADAR module from Hi-Link connected to an ESP32 ' for very reliable detection of moving or non-moving persons ' - Connected via serial2 to an ESP32 (e.g. M5Stack ATOM matrix ESP32pico with 5x5 neopixel matrix) ' - Switches the radar unit to engineering mode to report more details. ' - Selects the data indicating a moving person (= moving target). ' - Selects the data indicating a non-moving but breathing person (= static target) ' - Creates a Webpage to .. ' -- Visualize the energy of the moving targets in 9 distance ranges by bar graphs ' -- Visualize the energy of the static targets in 7 distance ranges by bar graphs ' -- Visualize the internal detection for a moving target by a LED symbol ' -- Visualize the internal detection for a static target by a LED symbol ' ' Find ANNEX32 at Version$ = "1.0" ' DB9JG 2023/03/ RX_pin = 21 'pin for serial2 input comming from LD2410 TX-pin TX_pin = 25 'pin for serial2 output going to LD2410 RX-pin toggle = 0 t$ = "" RADAR$ = "" RADAR_X$ = "" Target_state$= "" count = 0 moving_LED = 1 'green static_LED = 1 'green TState = 0 MTDis1 = 0 MTDis2 = 0 ETE_val = 0 STDIS_val1 = 0 STDis_val2 = 0 STE_val = 0 DetDis1 = 0 DetDis2 = 0 MMD_gate = 0 MSD_gate = 0 static_range0=0 : moving_range0=0 static_range1=0 : moving_range1=0 static_range2=0 : moving_range2=0 static_range3=0 : moving_range3=0 static_range4=0 : moving_range4=0 static_range5=0 : moving_range5=0 static_range6=0 : moving_range6=0 static_range7=0 : moving_range7=0 static_range8=0 : moving_range8=0 gosub SETUP_LD2410_RADAR gosub webpage onhtmlreload webpage onhtmlchange webpage onserial2 SER2RX timer0 1000, TICK wait end '######################### SER2RX: '######################### count=count+1 toggle=1-toggle 'pause 1 serial2.read_iobuff(toggle) size = iobuff.len(toggle) ' use only each second incomming frame (toggle =0), ' but only the engineering frames with size=45 if (toggle=0) and (size = 45) then TState,8) MT_Dis1,9) MT_Dis2,10) ETE_val,11) STDIS_val1,12) STDis_val2,13) STE_val,14) Det_Dis1,15) Det_Dis2,16) MMD_gate,17) MSD_gate,18),19),20),21),22),23),24),25),26),27),28),29),30),31),32),33),34),35),36) 'Tstate regards the actual (default?) energy limits, ' for each distance gate and for the maned time SELECT CASE TState CASE 0 Target_state$ = "No target detected" moving_LED = 1 'green static_LED = 1 'green CASE 1 Target_state$ = "Moving target detected" moving_LED = 0 'red static_LED = 1 'green CASE 2 Target_state$ = "Static target detected" moving_LED = 1 'green static_LED = 0 'red CASE 3 Target_state$ = "Moving+static target detected" moving_LED = 0 'red static_LED = 0 'red END SELECT endif return '######################### WEBPAGE: '######################### A$ = "" A$ = A$ + "<H3>LD2410 radar-sensor visualizer v" + Version$ +"</H3>" A$ = A$ + textbox$(T$) + "<br>" A$ = A$ + textbox$(Target_state$) + " m:" + LED$(moving_LED) + " s:" + LED$(static_LED)+ "<br><br>" A$ = A$ + "Targets energy in distance ranges: <br>" A$ = A$ + "_________________<u>moving</u>_____<u>static+breathing</u><br>" 'A$ = A$ + " 0: 0.00m - 0.75m _ "+ meter$(moving_range0,0,100)+ " _ " + meter$(static_range0,0,100)+"<br>" 'A$ = A$ + " 1: 0.75m - 1.50m _ "+ meter$(moving_range1,0,100)+ " _ " + meter$(static_range1,0,100)+"<br>" A$ = A$ + " 0: 0.00m - 0.75m _ "+ meter$(moving_range0,0,100)+ "<br>" A$ = A$ + " 1: 0.75m - 1.50m _ "+ meter$(moving_range1,0,100)+ "<br>" A$ = A$ + " 2: 1.50m - 2.25m _ "+ meter$(moving_range2,0,100)+ " _ " + meter$(static_range2,0,100)+"<br>" A$ = A$ + " 3: 2.25m - 3.00m _ "+ meter$(moving_range3,0,100)+ " _ " + meter$(static_range3,0,100)+"<br>" A$ = A$ + " 4: 3.00m - 3.75m _ "+ meter$(moving_range4,0,100)+ " _ " + meter$(static_range4,0,100)+"<br>" A$ = A$ + " 5: 3.75m - 4.50m _ "+ meter$(moving_range5,0,100)+ " _ " + meter$(static_range5,0,100)+"<br>" A$ = A$ + " 6: 4.50m - 5.25m _ "+ meter$(moving_range6,0,100)+ " _ " + meter$(static_range6,0,100)+"<br>" A$ = A$ + " 7: 5.25m - 6.00m _ "+ meter$(moving_range7,0,100)+ " _ " + meter$(static_range7,0,100)+"<br>" A$ = A$ + " 7: 6.00m - 6.75m _ "+ meter$(moving_range8,0,100)+ " _ " + meter$(static_range8,0,100)+"<br>" cls autorefresh 250 html A$ return '######################### TICK: '######################### t$=time$ RADAR$=IObuff.ToHex$(0) 'wlog t$, count ,RADAR$ wlog t$, count, Tstate count=0 return '######################### SETUP_LD2410_RADAR: '######################### serial2.mode 256000,RX_pin,TX_pin Enable_config$ ="fdfcfbfa0400ff00010004030201" Enable_engineering_mode$ ="fdfcfbfa0200620004030201" End_config$ ="fdfcfbfa0200fe0004030201" 'movement: 8 gates; static: 8 gates; unmaned duration: 5s Default1$ ="fdfcfbfa1400600000000800000001000800000002000500000004030201" IObuff.FromHex(1, Enable_config$) SERIAL2.WRITE_IOBUFF(1) pause 100 IObuff.FromHex(1, Enable_engineering_mode$) SERIAL2.WRITE_IOBUFF(1) pause 100 IObuff.FromHex(1, Default1$) SERIAL2.WRITE_IOBUFF(1) pause 100 IObuff.FromHex(1, End_config$) SERIAL2.WRITE_IOBUFF(1) pause 100 return
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