Micro Supply [170464]

This adjustable power supply for IoT device development provides 0 to 5 V in 50 mV steps, measures current from 0.5 uA to 20 mA, limits current at 20 mA.
Micro Supply
Connected objects require adjustable voltages and very low current measurement during its development. I propose a card that goes on an Arduino Leonardo.
Characteristics :
- 5 Volt power supply from USB port via Arduino Leonardo
- 0 Volt to 5 Volts at 0.05 Volt pitch with memory
- Software shutdown of the power supply if the current is greater than 20mA
- Display of selected voltage
- Display of current from 20mA to 0.5μA
Connected objects require adjustable voltages and very low current measurement during its development. I propose a card that goes on an Arduino Leonardo.
Characteristics :
- 5 Volt power supply from USB port via Arduino Leonardo
- 0 Volt to 5 Volts at 0.05 Volt pitch with memory
- Software shutdown of the power supply if the current is greater than 20mA
- Display of selected voltage
- Display of current from 20mA to 0.5μA
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