Remote controlled Lamp

I have made a remote-controlled lamp using Arduino UNO. It can be operated with any IR remote. TV remote, AC remote etc. will work. I have also made an enclosure for the lamp. I just took a transparent container and spray-painted that.
I have made a remote-controlled lamp using Arduino UNO. It can be operated with any IR remote. TV remote, AC remote etc. will work. I have also made an enclosure for the lamp. I just took a transparent container and spray-painted that.
Arduino UNO-R3 x 1
IR receiver 38Khz x 1
Blue LED x 1
Breadboard x 1
330-ohm resistor x 1
9V battery with connector x 1
Jumper wires
| Arduino UNO | IR receiver module
| VCC | +
| GND | -
| 2 | Output
| Arduino UNO- R3 | Led
| GND | -
| 11 | + (Through 330 ohm resistor)
Arduino UNO-R3 x 1
IR receiver 38Khz x 1
Blue LED x 1
Breadboard x 1
330-ohm resistor x 1
9V battery with connector x 1
Jumper wires
| Arduino UNO | IR receiver module
| VCC | +
| GND | -
| 2 | Output
| Arduino UNO- R3 | Led
| GND | -
| 11 | + (Through 330 ohm resistor)
// Make a Toggle IR Button // Define the pins being used int pinLed = 11; int pinIR = 2; // declaring variables to hold the new and old IR states boolean oldIRState = LOW; boolean newIRState = LOW; boolean LEDstatus = LOW; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(pinLed, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(pinLed, LOW); pinMode(pinIR, INPUT); } void loop() { newIRState = digitalRead(pinIR); if ( newIRState != oldIRState )//This is the condition when you press the remote { // has the button IR been closed? if ( newIRState == HIGH )//Logic high in pin#2 { if ( LEDstatus == LOW ) {//if LED is previously off delay(200); digitalWrite(pinLed, HIGH); LEDstatus = HIGH; } else { delay(200); digitalWrite(pinLed, LOW); LEDstatus = LOW; } } oldIRState = newIRState; } }
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