Reverse Project - Mini Oscilloscope

Reverse Project - Mini Oscilloscope. Reprogram it using SDCC
To download assembly instructions & user manual (everything in Chinese) use the password "DFRE" as shown below

Original Project by Creative Lau
Project origin:
New Software
The project from Creative Lau ported to SDCC can be downloaded below. The HEX file is included.
Bug in SDCC
SDCC does not produce proper code for reading a string from a table in program memory. The Mini-DSO uses two of these tables, and reading them the SDCC way makes the program crash. Replacing the tables by functions fixed the issue.
In-Circuit Programming of the STC MCU
Download the STC-ISP tool from the STCmicro website.Get device information
- Switched off the device,
- Click the Check MCU button
- Switch the device on
Information about the MCU appears in the output window.
An interesting observation here was that it showed the MCU as an STC8A8K64D4 instead of an S4A12. I used STC-ISP version◦V6.91K. V6.94K doesn’t seem to have the Check MCU button.
Upload a HEX file
- Switch off the board
- Load the HEX file in the STC-ISP tool and
- Click the Download/Program button
- Switch on the board to start programming
It takes about ten seconds to complete.
Full Article
The complete article can be downloaded here.
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