Weather Display

This is a stand alone WiFi weather display that also features UV and moonphase data. It is powerd by an ESP8266 with custom firmware an an AVR.
This is a little weather monitor. It has a 2.2" color display and is powered by an AVR and the ESP8266. The AVR controles the display. The ESP has a custom firmware and provides all the weather data in a neat and very simple pre-processed protocol. The AVR can obtain different data via a simple UART command. A 512kB serial SPI flash provides all the icons, images and palette data.
The system features:
- Time and date from DS3231
- Day of week and weeknumber
- Current weather with nice icons and max min forcast
- Current UV data from Internet
- Windspeed and direction also all from internet
- Humity and preasure
- Sunset and sunrise times
- WiFi strenght indicator, IP and SSID
- Moonphase calculated in realtime on the AVR
- Threeday forecast with icons and max min temperature
- USB connection for power and programming all devices
- Simple WiFi config using the ESP as hotspot with a webpage to enter the WiFi credentials. All handeld on the ESP to use in other projects and not bother the AVR.
-All the data is obtained and processed on the ESP from public internet sites, no need for external processing like from a Raspberry Pi
-The AVR, external flash and ESP can all be programmed via the USB port. The AVR has a bootloader and two routines to program the external flash and the ESP.
The ESP can be programed directly from the Arduino IDE without any further modification. The AVR handels the datatransfere between PC and ESP directly. So only one USB port is needed to program all three storage devices.
For programing the flash and the bootloader I made a few python scripts. Also converting images in C data and ready to use header file with storage addesses is done in python.
The project will get a custom designed case that fitts the theme. Sofar I only designed it on PC. I hope to soon be able to print it on a 3D printer.
This is a little weather monitor. It has a 2.2" color display and is powered by an AVR and the ESP8266. The AVR controles the display. The ESP has a custom firmware and provides all the weather data in a neat and very simple pre-processed protocol. The AVR can obtain different data via a simple UART command. A 512kB serial SPI flash provides all the icons, images and palette data.
The system features:
- Time and date from DS3231
- Day of week and weeknumber
- Current weather with nice icons and max min forcast
- Current UV data from Internet
- Windspeed and direction also all from internet
- Humity and preasure
- Sunset and sunrise times
- WiFi strenght indicator, IP and SSID
- Moonphase calculated in realtime on the AVR
- Threeday forecast with icons and max min temperature
- USB connection for power and programming all devices
- Simple WiFi config using the ESP as hotspot with a webpage to enter the WiFi credentials. All handeld on the ESP to use in other projects and not bother the AVR.
-All the data is obtained and processed on the ESP from public internet sites, no need for external processing like from a Raspberry Pi
-The AVR, external flash and ESP can all be programmed via the USB port. The AVR has a bootloader and two routines to program the external flash and the ESP.
The ESP can be programed directly from the Arduino IDE without any further modification. The AVR handels the datatransfere between PC and ESP directly. So only one USB port is needed to program all three storage devices.
For programing the flash and the bootloader I made a few python scripts. Also converting images in C data and ready to use header file with storage addesses is done in python.
The project will get a custom designed case that fitts the theme. Sofar I only designed it on PC. I hope to soon be able to print it on a 3D printer.
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