Quadro in der Praxis (Decodierverfahren in der Quadrophonie)
Quadro in der Praxis (Decodierverfahren in der Quadrophonie)
Fido is a new electronic game in which an unfortunate dog is called by four masters at the same time. The command "Fido come" is given by means of a pushbutton. At each push on one of the four buttons controlled by each player Fido jumps in the required direction. However, the four masters and/or mistresses have one handicap: After one successful command to Fido, the would-be Fido owner who has given the order has nothing more to say for a certain time. Then the other players can go on with Fido. If one of the players succeeds in getting Fido into his kennel, the game is decided: Fido stays where he is.
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