Distance and Level Gauge
With Alarm Function

Basiert auf einem Labs-Projekt | March 2014 | Zum Labs-Artikel >>
Small, widely available and dirt-cheap ultrasonic sensors enable us to design both simple and lavish measuring devices for all kinds of ranging. Take one of these modules, add a display, a couple of pressbuttons and a microcontroller loaded with software, and you now have all the ingredients for a circuit of this kind.
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Component list
R1,R2 = 2.2kOhm
R3 = 0Ohm (wire link)
R4 = 10kOhm
P1 = 10kOhm trimpot
C1 = 10µF 50V, 2mm pitch
C2,C3 = 22pF 50V, 0.1” pitch, C0G/NP0
C4,C7,C8,C9 = 100F 50V, 20%
C5,C6 = 47µF 50V, 0.1” pitch
D1 = 1N4148
LED1 = low current, red, 3mm
T1 = BC547C
IC1 = LM2940T-4.0
IC2 = ATmega8-16PU, programmed, Elektor Store # 140209-41
K1 = DC-power socket, 1.95mm pin (Farnell 1217037)
K2 = 4-pin pinheader
K3 = 3-way PCB terminal block, 0.2” pitch
K4 = 6-pin (2x3) pinheader with jumper
LCD1 = LCD module, 4 lines 16 characters
RE1 = 5V, 1 c/o (Finder; Farnell 1169338)
S1–S4 = pushbutton, Multimec RA3FTL6 (Farnell 1132885)
4 caps for Multimec 1D03 (Farnell 1132887)
X1 = 16MHz quartz crystal, CL =18 pF
HC-SR04, US-020, or SRF02U ultrasonic module
R1,R2 = 2.2kOhm
R3 = 0Ohm (wire link)
R4 = 10kOhm
P1 = 10kOhm trimpot
C1 = 10µF 50V, 2mm pitch
C2,C3 = 22pF 50V, 0.1” pitch, C0G/NP0
C4,C7,C8,C9 = 100F 50V, 20%
C5,C6 = 47µF 50V, 0.1” pitch
D1 = 1N4148
LED1 = low current, red, 3mm
T1 = BC547C
IC1 = LM2940T-4.0
IC2 = ATmega8-16PU, programmed, Elektor Store # 140209-41
K1 = DC-power socket, 1.95mm pin (Farnell 1217037)
K2 = 4-pin pinheader
K3 = 3-way PCB terminal block, 0.2” pitch
K4 = 6-pin (2x3) pinheader with jumper
LCD1 = LCD module, 4 lines 16 characters
RE1 = 5V, 1 c/o (Finder; Farnell 1169338)
S1–S4 = pushbutton, Multimec RA3FTL6 (Farnell 1132885)
4 caps for Multimec 1D03 (Farnell 1132887)
X1 = 16MHz quartz crystal, CL =18 pF
HC-SR04, US-020, or SRF02U ultrasonic module
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