Arduino IoT gateway for Fibaro HC2

I developed this small gateway between a Fibaro HC2 and the Arduino IoT, to allow me to retrieve and display informations.
My domotic system at home allows me to know the temperature of each room, the garden and the swimming pool.
In my office I have a small illuminated display (built using the Elektor kit which constantly scrolls to indicate the NTP time, the garden temperature and the temperature of my swimming pool and in my kitchen 2 small displays respectively indicate the temperature of the garden and the temperature of the swimming pool).
The sensors are connected to my Fibaro HC2 gateway and my challenge was to send this information to my displays, and also to a dashboard developed on Arduino IoT. the screen shots show the result obtained. The hardware simply consists of a small Heltec ESP32 module with an Oled display. A button allows you to activate the display for 5 minutes. The module is connected via WiFi to the local network of my house.
In my office I have a small illuminated display (built using the Elektor kit which constantly scrolls to indicate the NTP time, the garden temperature and the temperature of my swimming pool and in my kitchen 2 small displays respectively indicate the temperature of the garden and the temperature of the swimming pool).
The sensors are connected to my Fibaro HC2 gateway and my challenge was to send this information to my displays, and also to a dashboard developed on Arduino IoT. the screen shots show the result obtained. The hardware simply consists of a small Heltec ESP32 module with an Oled display. A button allows you to activate the display for 5 minutes. The module is connected via WiFi to the local network of my house.
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