KCS bv has a rich history in producing computer hardware for the Commodore Amiga. This legendary home PC still holds a warm spot inside the hearts of many enthusiastic retro gaming fanatics. As the Amiga is reaching her 30th birthday, the interest is sparking up more and more recently.
Documentary makers Nicola Caulfield & Anthony Caulfield of graciousfilms.com started the production of Commodore Amiga : From Bedrooms to Billions: The Amiga Years!

This documentary about the gaming industry will feature some of the hardware innovations made by KCS and what they meant to  developers and users of the Commodore Amiga.
KCS decided to step in and help this documentary as executive producer. This film will be released worldwide on DVD and Blu-ray.

More information on the Kickstarter page:https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1195082866/from-bedrooms-to-billions-the-amiga-years