KCS TraceME integrates LoRa™ for low budget, long range traceability

KCS BV, based in Dordrecht (NL) has extended its successful TraceME product line with a low-budget track-and trace module based on LoRa™ technology.
The TM-900/N1C1 combines different technologies for traceability (e.g. GPS, LoRa™, Bluetooth LE, ANT/ANT+ and proprietary RF). Traditional national telecom costs are eliminated because of the absence of GPRS/SMS.
Unique features: minimum size (49.6x15x7.5 mm), weight (3.4 grams) and a standby battery lifespan of more than 10 years. Temperature-, humidity- and acceleration sensors as well as solar powering enable the integration of TraceME into a variety of custom specific (M2M) applications.
Please visit the product page of the TraceME module TM-900/N1C1 for more information.
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