Nikhef's Internet pioneer Rob Blokzijl has died
07. Dezember 2015

The significance of Rob Blokzijl for the development of the Internet is hard to overestimate. He was one of the founding fathers of RIPE (Réseaux IP Européens, a platform to facilitate developments of the Internet) which he chaired from 1989 for a continuous period of 25 years. In recognition of his major services for the development of the Internet he received a royal decoration in 2010 and this year the Jonathan B. Postel Service Award.
Nikhef also has a lot to thank Rob for: the prominent position of Nikhef in the Internet world is thanks to his efforts. He wrote a highly readable article about the pioneering years of Internet in the Nikhef annual report of 2006: 'The internet: a clash of cultures'.
FOM expres
This week the December issue of FOM expres will arrive on the doormats of all subscribers. In this issue it is stated in the Personnel section that Rob Blokzijl received the Jonathan B. Postel Service Award 2015 in July. When this issue of FOM expres went to press Rob's death was not yet known. In the online version of FOM expres the death of Rob Blokzijl will be mentioned in the Personnel section.
RIPE remembers Rob in an appropriate manner.
RIPE has also opened the possibility to share a memory of Rob.
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