
Interface for smart electricity meter Belgium / Netherlands version 2
Check it out on GitHub :
This is an update of the Smart Digital Meter
For Arduino core for ESP32 version 3.x
Following libraries are used in this project:
This is an update of the Smart Digital Meter
For Arduino core for ESP32 version 3.x
Following libraries are used in this project:
The project consists of 4 modules:
- Interface module
- Display module
- Digital output
- PWM module
Updates :
Modules communicates wirelessly via esp-now Now also with monthly peak
WiFi AP Mode Credentials
Own WiFi network WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP_STA)
Network: ESP32Energie_V2
Password: ESP32pswd
IP address:
Network: ESP32Energie_V2
Password: ESP32pswd
IP address:
.bin files of any program contained in the bin folder can be uploaded to ESP32 to avoid problems with incompatible core or library updates.
Interface Module
Display via web page of:
- total electricity consumption
- total injection
- total gas consumption
- current electricity consumption
- current injection
- monthly peak
- status of digital outputs
- status PWM signals
Setting The Different Parameters
Storage and display of:
- electricity consumption
- injection
- gas consumption
Which are shown in the following readings:
- hourly basis
- daily basis
- monthly basis also monthly peak
- annual basis
- last 25 years
Display Module
This display module shows the following data:
- total electricity consumption
- total injection
- total gas consumption
- consumption (red) / injection (green)
- status of digital outputs
- status PWM signals
PWM Signals
There are 2 PWM outputs,
It can be used to control an electric boiler, boiler is only controlled with its own generated power
This starts to regulate from the moment that PWM 1 is 100% output. Any remaining self-generated power can be used,
for example:
to send an electric additional heater.
Feed back into the grid is currently not profitable.
Digital Outputs
The digital outputs can be sent to :
Time Base at a certain amount of generated power or a combination of these two.
Programs and manual see on GitHub:
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