Power Integrations Newsroom


Power Integrations
Hellyer Avenue 5245
95138 San Jose
United States

(e) customerservice@power.com
(t) 0049 - 89 - 552739100
(w) https://www.power.com

About Power Integrations

Power Integrations, Inc., is a Silicon Valley-based supplier of high-performance electronic components used in high-voltage power-conversion systems. Our integrated circuits and diodes enable compact, energy-efficient AC-DC power supplies for a vast range of electronic products including mobile devices, TVs, PCs, appliances, smart utility meters and LED lights. Our SCALE™ IGBT drivers enhance the efficiency, reliability and cost of high-power applications such as industrial motor drives, solar and wind energy systems, electric vehicles and high-voltage DC transmission.
Power Intergrations DER-622
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