Alle Artikel getaggt mit DigiKey und Arrow (7)

| Seit der Veröffentlichung 1992 ist KiCad kostenlos, open source und in keiner Weise eingeschränkt. Das sind zweifellos seine wichtigsten Vor...

| Da einen die Inspiration wie die Muse den Dichter unverhofft anfallen kann, sollte man vorbereitet sein. Arrow und Cadence haben sich verbün...

| Switching DC-to-DC voltage converters (“regulators”) comprise two elements: A controller and a power stage. The power stage incorporates the...

| The brushless DC (BLDC) motor is becoming increasingly popular in sectors such as automotive (particularly electric vehicles (EV)), HVAC, wh...

| Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries have become popular for portable electronics such as laptop computers and smart phones because they boast the...

| Despite the popularity of switching DC/DC converters, linear regulators still form a healthy percentage of the business of leading power mod...

| There are two major approaches to dimming LEDs: PWM and analog. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages. PWM dimming greatly reduc...