Alle Artikel getaggt mit Mikrocontroller und DIY-Elektronik (10)

| Mit einigen Tipps von Gert Baars können Sie ein Gerät bauen, das sowohl einen Wobbel-Frequenzgenerator als auch einen Spektrumanalysator ent...

| Sind Sie bereit, in die Welt der Elektronik und Mikrocontroller einzutauchen? Verpassen Sie die nächste Folge von "Elektor Engineering Insig...

| An ESP32-Pico-Kit with ADAU1701 as high-quality I²S audio codec with built-in audio DSP core.

| Add a bell sound to your microcontroller clock. This assembly is intended to be controlled, also, it is reserved for the reader who can mod...

| 3D print and build an Arduino Pistol-grip Transmitter for controlling Remote Control cars.

Von bera

| Speech to text conversion is something not for the chicken hearted fellow. It needs big computer and hoards of computing power. However, Ras...

Von bera

| Raspberry Pi zero is the best of both worlds - MCUs like Arduino, ESP32, Maixduino at one side and Single board computer on the other side....


| Build a fully programmable 8-bit computer with W65C02 microprocessor.

| Every electronicshobbyist must make a clock. I have built dozens of them with manual or automatic time setting using the DCF77, NTP, RDS in...

| Two PCB's one for the SiLabs (Skyworks) Si4684 DAB IC one for a Frontier Siena module (early days)