Alle Artikel getaggt mit Test & Measurement und Test & Messung (11)

Von WalRib

| With some modifications we can improve this kit a lot.

Von jost

| The goal of this project is to develop a highly accurate current-voltage monitor that only costs a few euros and should also be universally...

Von Ramji

| Assembling XR2206 IC based function generator kit

Von monk99

| With a few cheap and readliy available parts a desktop interferometer can be setup than may be used too measure the amplitudes in the microm...

Von monk99

| Employing a vibrating membrane measurement of DC voltages or electric fields from chrged items (ESD) are possile. The sensor can be homemade...

Von jawi

| directly measure the resonance of a loudspeaker

Von Ramji

| Let's Build a DDS Function Generator for Our Electronics Laboratory.

Von JoergT

| People with visual impairments find it difficult or even impossible to recognize colors. Be it in the choice of clothes or in the preparatio...

| Build your own DIY Lab Bench Power Supply thanks to this detailed guide!

Von RoV

| Do you need to measure the antenna current of your HF transmitter? Or, like me, the primary current of your Tesla Coil? Here are some design...