Recently we have added to our growing list of decoders the following two items:

  • MIDI protocol decoder
  • I2C Temperature and humidity sensors decoder

Hopefully, this will boost your productivity if you happen to use those in your projects.

The Midi decoder can interpret almost all commands that we’re aware of, and will even interpret the names of the manufacturers, like in the example below:


The decoder have been designed with a MIDI specialist so it’s presented in the best possible way.

The I2C Temperature and humidity sensors have been developed since we worked with this kind of sensors for internal projects. We though a decoder could be useful so we did it! As you can see on the image below, the decoder will interpret the bitmap of the internal register of the I2C sensor.


That temperature and relative humidity sensor decoder should work with the following parts: SHT20, SHT21, SHT25, STS21, HTU21A, HTU20D, HTU21D, HTU_3800, Si7006_A10, Si7020_A10, Si7021_A10, Si7013_A10.

If you need any other deocoder added to our list of protocol decoders, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Source: Ikalogic